The first thing that has to be said about The Hollow Man is that this is not anything to do with the Paul Veerhoven movie featuring an invisible Kevin Bacon.
The second thing is that it is also widely known under the title The Three Coffins.

Whatever you call it, it's an outstanding example of the aforementioned "locked room" sub genre.
In case you're not familiar with these, and at the risk of explaining the thunderingly obvious, these are murder mysteries where the crime appears to have taken place under impossible circumstances — for instance in a locked room where the killer couldn't have got in, or out.

Carr was an American, which comes as a surprise, since he writes so convincingly about British locations. But that's because he moved to England at the beginning of his long writing career.

The Hollow Man is a purely rational and realistic story (albeit rather sensational) but it begins by conjuring an air of supernatural menace, which it renews from time to time — fairly deftly. So it isn't surprising that elsewhere Carr did write some memorable fantasy novels, including Fire, Burn! in which a 20th century London cop is transported back to 1829.

Particularly his women. He has some strong and memorable female characters here, which is very unusual at this time, especially from a male writer.
Take for instance the "restless, sleek and puzzling" Rosette Grimaud, a self described feminist (I didn't even know the term existed in 1935) who announces that she's in favour of "less talk and more copulation."

Carr is also often very funny. Superintendent Hadley of the CID — the Inspector Lestrade to Fell's Holmes — says at one point, "We can get ideas even from a clever man."
And Dr Fell describes the benefits of "Having been improving my mind with sensational fiction for forty years." And then goes on to provide a lucid analysis of the whole field of locked room murder mysteries, citing names of writers and detectives in a way that's reminiscent of Stieg Larsson (whose hero Blomkvist devours crime novels while he is busy pursuing his own investigation).

Naturally the crucial thing in a detective story, especially a complex puzzle mystery like this one, is whether the payoff is satisfying or not. And here the author delivers the goods. The solution is diabolically ingenious, holds water, and I'm willing to wager you'll never guess it.

Meanwhile, if you want to curl up with a classic mystery this Christmas, I recommend that you let John Dickson Carr cast his spell on you, and accompany him into this moody, menacing tale where "London, on the morning of a grey winter Sunday, was deserted to the point of ghostliness along miles of streets..."
(Image credits: A delightfully huge selection of covers, including a couple of striking Chinese editions, at good old Good Reads.)
I'm not a big fan of reading locked room mysteries but I do enjoy watching them.
ReplyDeleteOne locked room mystery book I've always remembered, though, was "Leonardo's Law" by Warren Murphy, who was better known for being a co-creator of Remo Williams in the "Destroyer" series, one of the writers of the movie "The Eiger Sanction" and a co-writer of the story for "Lethal Weapon."
This one hinted heavily that the college professor who aids the police is the reincarnation of Leonardo da Vinci, and he knows it. Murphy has used the reincarnation shtick in another series and it's a bit heavy-handed here but it's fun in a cozy mystery. He never wrote a sequel.